Product Catalogue

Streamlined rooftop tent car setup with a lightweight roofpod, ideal for outdoor adventures.

ComfyPod Rooftop tent

CoziPod Rooftop tent

Lightweight solo roofpod mounted rooftop tent with enough space to mount your mountain bike next to it on the rooftop. Ideal for outdoor adventure cartop camping.

SoloPod Rooftop tent

Tent awning easy-to-open rooftop tent mounted on a roof rack, perfect for weekend getaways


Tent awning door and side windbreaker compatible with the roofpod mounted rooftop tent

Awning interchangeable side

Tent Awning and doors compatible with the roofpod mounted rooftop tent

Awning door

shower or privacy cubicle compatible with the mounted rooftop roofpod tent

Shower/Privacy Cube

aluminium camping table compatible with the mounted rooftop roofpod tent

Aluminium Table

Comfortable rooftop tent for camping, providing panoramic views from your vehicle.

Table sliders

Lightweight roofpod with mounted rooftop tent and telescopic ladder for easy outdoor adventure camping

Replacement PVC outer cover – ComfyPod